Category: Africa




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  • Republic of the Congo

    The Congo Basin rainforest is the second largest rainforest in the world. Conservation of these tropical rainforests is vital to the global climate. Republic of the Congo has one of the largest areas of tropical peatlands, a fragile ecosystem which removes carbon from the atmosphere and stores it. This helps to slow global warming. It…

  • Côte d’Ivoire

    This country is the largest supplier of cocoa beans worldwide. It also has a coastline rich in tropical fish, coral reefs, sharks, and sea-bed creatures including the loggerhead turtle, which is found nesting and foraging on the shores. To protect these creatures, the country has taken the lead in declaring its first protected marine area.…

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo

    A country with the natural resources to be one of the world’s richest countries but is among the world’s 5 poorest. It has nearly half of the world’s cobalt supply, used in producing lithium-ion batteries that drive electric vehicles. Because of this DR Congo has been called “the Saudi Arabia of the electric vehicle age.” Unfortunately, political violence…

  • Chad


    This country is home to 2 UNESCO World Heritage sites. One is the Lakes of Ounianga, consisting of 18 lakes featuring different colors of water due to the chemical composition. These are found in the Sahara Desert and are supplied by so-called underground fossil water. The second is the Ennedi Massif with some of the…

  • Central African Republic

    Central African Republic

    This is a nation in turmoil with armed militia and government-backed troops inflicting crimes on each other and on the citizens. It is the world’s second poorest country although it is rich in natural resources including diamonds, gold, oil, arable land, and timber. It’s also the world’s hungriest country. Life expectancy is the lowest in…

  • Cameroon
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    This country has had a history of attacks by the Islamist terrorist group known as Boko Haram, who was responsible for the death of at least 1,000 in 2015. The country has one of the most diverse ecosystems in Africa. It has been confirmed by scientists that HIV originated in wild chimpanzees in this country.…

  • Burundi


    This country has the world’s longest lake as its western border. And along that lake many have seen Gustave, a crocodile who is credited with eating hundreds of people over the course of his life which is estimated at being 60-100 years. The country has seen 2 mass genocides in its history. The people here…

  • Burkina Faso

    Burkina Faso

    It is one of Africa’s largest producers of cotton, known as ‘white gold,’ by the local farmers. It has the largest elephant population in West Africa. The people are often called “the cowboys of West Africa” because of their love for horse riding. The white stallion is the country’s national symbol and indigenous people consider…

  • Botswana


    Botswana was, in 2016, named by Lonely Planet, as the top destination for tourists. It is likely because about 40% of its land is reserved under government protection, as natural areas in the form of sanctuaries, reserves, wildlife management areas, and national parks. One special area is the Kalahari Desert, with a delta that supports many species of…

  • Benin
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    Benin is a country whose government’s aim is to educate future generations about its long history of human suffering via the slave trade. There are a couple of museums in place just for this purpose. Yet, due to great poverty in the country it is ironic that many parents in desperation, send their children to…