Tag: Bantu

  • Republic of the Congo

    The Congo Basin rainforest is the second largest rainforest in the world. Conservation of these tropical rainforests is vital to the global climate. Republic of the Congo has one of the largest areas of tropical peatlands, a fragile ecosystem which removes carbon from the atmosphere and stores it. This helps to slow global warming. It…

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo

    A country with the natural resources to be one of the world’s richest countries but is among the world’s 5 poorest. It has nearly half of the world’s cobalt supply, used in producing lithium-ion batteries that drive electric vehicles. Because of this DR Congo has been called “the Saudi Arabia of the electric vehicle age.” Unfortunately, political violence…

  • Central African Republic

    Central African Republic

    This is a nation in turmoil with armed militia and government-backed troops inflicting crimes on each other and on the citizens. It is the world’s second poorest country although it is rich in natural resources including diamonds, gold, oil, arable land, and timber. It’s also the world’s hungriest country. Life expectancy is the lowest in…

  • Angola


    Angola, in southwestern Africa, was a former Portuguese colony and gained independence in 1975. It then experienced 27 years of civil war, which ended in 2002. It is now slowly emerging as a major economic powerhouse in Africa, and has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Yet, in an article from the…