Tag: Danube River

  • Czech Republic

    Czech Republic

    The world’s largest ancient castle is in the capital city, Prague, equal in size to about 7 football fields. Prague is known as the “City of a Hundred Spires” due to its breathtaking Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque architecture. The country has the highest per capita beer consumption in the world; maybe they can blame that…

  • Bulgaria


    This nation, full of ancient history, is home to the oldest European city, founded in 6000 BCE. Its culture includes folk songs often accompanied by bagpipes. This is such a significant cultural heritage that one such song was included in the infamous Voyager Golden Record, which journeyed into space onboard the Voyager spacecraft in 1977.…

  • Ukraine
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    Ukraine is known as the “Breadbasket of Europe” because of its extremely fertile soil, a black soil, called Chernozem. It has the deepest metro station in the world at 105.5 meters (346 feet). The largest airplane ever built was built here. It is a country responsible for many inventions and first successes such as hard…

  • Austria


    How did Vienna’s coffee house culture make it onto the UNESCO’s list of sites under the category “Intangible Cultural Heritage?” The Broadway musical The Sound of Music was based on the true story of the von Trapp family. How much of their history was portrayed in this musical? The oldest still-operating restaurant in the world is found…