Timor-Leste is emerging as an eco-tourism destination. It is home to the world’s most biodiverse waters. In 2016, scientists discovered 643 species in the waters around Atauro Island, many of which are believed to be entirely new. It has a history of being occupied by Indonesia and as a colony of Portugal. In 2002, it became the first new nation of the 21st century.
Águeda Fátima Amaral, Atauro Island, Atoni, Augusto Ramos Soares, Austronesian, Baucau, Bunak, Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, Cristo Rei, Dili, East Timor, Ego Lemos, Francisco Borja Da Costa, Jaco Island, José Ramos-Horta, Lake Ira Lalaro, Marobo Hot Springs, Martinho de Araújo, Melanesian Papuan, Mount Ramelau, Mount Tatamailau, New Town, Nicolau Lobato, Nino Konis Santana National Park, Ombai-Wetar Strait Hope Spot, Portuguese Timor, President Habibie, Savu Sea, Suai, Tafara River, Tetum, Vedo-Australoid, Xanana Gusmão
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